August 13, 2009

Willy Northpole Diss (Claims Willy only sold 2,800 ALBUMS)

The very same state in which he has taken credit for putting on the map is taking any and all stripes away from DTP/Def Jam recording artist Willy Northpole! After being one of Def Jam's worst releases (Tha Connect - 2800 units) in its 25 year history Willy is still not humbled by the humiliation. In fact he decided to diss the very same people who carried him on their back with the record "Garbage Disposal 3".

Well Tajji Sharp (who has been linked with Kanye West & Kanye's Good Music imprint) is now telling the story of the true Willy Northpole and how in fact how he is an embarrassment for the Arizona music movement and the epitome of a garbage disposal!

Tajji Sharp "Tha Diss-Connect" (Willy Northpole Diss)

Make sure to check out Tajji Sharp @

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