August 17, 2009

Example of How To End Your Career In Hip Hop

a lot of you guys are so called "real niggaz"...
I mean I am a rapper too, but its certain lines you DON'T cross!

Let me explain...
If you send a industry pro
(ex. a DJ, producer, A&R, exec., etc...)
some music...
and they agree to give feedback... GREAT!

If, for some reason (which may be rare smh)...
they DON'T like the music, and give you feedback,
THAT YOU ASKED FOR... that you don't agree with...


Here is a perfect example of what you do to end your career...
even if it is just beginning... like opening stages beginning...
I mean like still in the hood just started rapping last week beginning...
yeah even if its that early...

A certain underground rapper, who no ones ever heard of, sends a record to a famous DJ, who in turn agrees to give it a listen. The DJ then gives "constructive criticism" (learn that phrase kids) and says its not anything he would play. Just being honest, the DJ tells the rapper that he is not ready. (This is the career ending part) The rapper, who was just so happy the DJ listened, thanks him for playing the record on Shade45 (yeah, that Shade45).

The DJ is like "What? who said I played it on Shade45". (Hold on, hold on... forgot to remind you, they never formally met, this was a twitter thing... smh gotta love the internet). Sooo, one of the DJ's followers makes it worse, and says something like "yeah, that'll teach him" (not exactly their words, but it sounds funny) and the young rapper is now highly pissed thinking that the DJ is trying to play him.

He then responds with a big budget youtube video (I had to say that... lmao big budget) which is a freestyle over Jay Z's "Death of Autotune". Now... if you are going to diss a DJ, who happens to be the foundation of hip hop, and THIS DJ is one of the (bleep) DJ's, a group of DJ's that break records nationwide, make sure the record is playable. By playable, I mean, GOOD! I mean like, NOT WHACK!

But no, no, no, that's not all. In the song, the rapper, throws shot at another DJ, and even a multi-platinum grammy nominated producer. Grammy nominated. Another industry pro he met on Twitter. Multi platinum. He takes shots at the producer because... the producer wanted to charge him for a record? (what? when did producer stop giving away free beats... lmao) Im pretty sure he isn't worried about producer for a "prominent up-and-comer" like you when he produces for people like Lil' Wayne.

But back to the song. The song is, mixed... horribly. Every few seconds a tag/drop says "Media Demo"... obviously the young rapper recorded the record at home. With his PC microphone and the demo version of a home studio. Smh. But don't get me wrong, the rapping... is... just as horrible. He then "mass tweets" the link to the diss record. I repeat, the link to the diss record. Mass tweets. And gets into a argument with some of the other (bleep) DJ's, who came to defend their partner. Twitter argument. Smh.

After his "twitter campaign" and I'm sure he mentioned it on Myspace and Facebook, and even Blackplanet or Urbanchat (if that still exist) the video has gained... drumroll... 48 views... well 47 subtract mine please. And the only comment it received says "Is it really that serious? Niggas make diss tracks to people they beef w. on the intermet? Hmmph. Wow. Have fun with that *SMH*"

Here's where he made a mistake. The (bleep) DJ's have hands in all markets when it comes to hip hop. East coast, Left coast, Down here, and even in the midwest. Why are you taking shots at the ones who play records. DJ's stick together, and if you mess with one of the (bleep) DJ's, you messed with them all. DON'T DISS DJ'S, EVEN THE LITTLE HOMETOWN 43 YEAR OLD DJ'S WHO DJ'ED DISCO PARTIES AT A HOLE IN THE WALL 27 YEARS AGO. Oh, and don't diss multi platinum, grammy nominated, famous, super producers either. They don't like that.

Another rapper's career bites the delicious dust. Smh.

PS... if you wanna hear the song (you don't)...
here's the link... don't click it, it sucks...

Oh, and the DJ's I'm talking about are THE CORE DJ'S... YEAH THOSE CORE DJ'S!

Oh, and the white kid isn't the rapper. But even he has a better chance of making it now. Smh.

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