July 27, 2009

Muzik Clazz Interview of Cedric "Drizz" Sampson (CEO of DrizzleWorld Ent.)

Introduce yourself to the world in one sentence... What do we NEED to know about you?

What's happening everybody, South Kak to be exact, this is Drizzle better known as Drizz, representing hard for the state. I am Director of Entertainment Services for the Enteratainment Label 'DrizzleWorld ENT'. I specialize in Artist Management & Development as well as Songwriting. At this present time Im in developmental stages and looking motivated, determined talent.

Ok. Young & motivated, and you rep a state thats gaining popularity at an alarming rate. But what got you into the business in the first place?

Well, at first, I actually decided to attempt to go straight in as an artist, but after careful consideration and research realized that I would have a greater opportunity, a greater impact by concentrating on a bigger picture, therefore thought it would be best to develop a Label...a Music/Entertainment Empire where I would not only put myself on but others also.

Helping others first. What's the label called?

The label is called DrizzleWorld ENT, where we are focused on Introducing A New World of Music...Presenting an approach to the people that is new, fresh, exciting and creative.
DrizzleWorld ENT... and you ARE looking for talented artist and producers if I'm not mistaking? Also where did the name DrizzleWorld originate?

Yes, that is true, we are searching for new talented artists, producers, promoters, models, photographers and much more as we grow and expand. Now my name and the Label's name intertwine in meaning and origination...'Drizzle' was a term I used to denote a gradual effect. In past years, I came across some rough times and at times found myself almost on the edge, but continued pushing and working hard. Things began to gradually get better and things I planned began to gradually take effect. It just so happened to be raining one day when I thought of the name for myself...it was a slight 'Drizzle' outside and I instantly decided that 'Drizzle would be the best alias for me at that time. Just recently, I began calling myself Drizz to make the name a little more appealing and easier to use sorta speak.

Thats original. But what keeps you motivated?

Well, ever since I started getting serious with making moves in the industry, I did have a great deal of negativity and disbelief in my abilities and what I was capable of. And the funny thing about it, most of it was coming from close friends and family. But as time progressed, I was determined to show not just them but everyone that I can rise and make history. That mentality has instillied a great deal of pride inside me also, which I would say keeps me fully motivated day-to-day to keep moving no matter what obstacle lies ahead.

And you said you're focusing on building your brand, building your company right. What would be your basic standards for prospects who want to be apart of DrizzleWorld?

Well, of course talent is always the number 1 thing anyone in this industry would want , but to accompany that, the standards I am in search of would be Determination - The ability to focus and push oneself to overachieve, Professionalism - The ability to present oneself distinctively and perform their task or assignment in such a manner, and Passion - The ability to perform their duty or task with everything they've got.

Strong standards. If more labels had this we wouldn't have so much mediocre talent flooding the radio. What do think about the "ringtone rap" nowadays?

I personally think that 'ringtone rap' sells and has the potential to draw a fan-base, but in my opinion it is a catchy, creative way to captivate the audience. I am attracted to artists that make songs about thier life...where they've been, what they've been through, success they've had or what they've overcome. Celebration tracks catch my attention as well!

But I forgot to touch on your skills. You write songs also right? What else is in your repertoire?

Yes I do specialize in Artist Management & Development and Songwriting at the present time. I do also in the very near future plan on taking piano lessons. The piano has such a melodic vibe to it...That would have to be my favorite instrument by the way. In the future also there are plans for a studio chain to be launching called Drowned In Sounds Recording Studios, As well as several stores opening that will specialize in the sales of Studio Equipment and High-End Electronics. These will are intended to be launching sometime in 2011.

Anything else you would like to add? Any shout outs?

Yes, shout out to Sam King and the Million Dollar Dreamz fam holding it down in ATL, J. Doe over in Aiken...he's a beast with the beats, Kodak, the Super-Producer, getting that education and hands-on experience at Full Sail University in FLA, and most importantly the state of SC itself as a whole. This state has incredible potential and we are definitely on the rise and I cant wait to see everyone working hard in SC in the Music industry rewarded with recognition.

Ok.. Thanks for your time man...

No Problem, Anytime!

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